Wednesday, August 1, 2012

797 - ARRIVED!!!!

IT IS HERE!!!! IT IS HERE!!! IT IS HERE!!! - :) 

That was me today dancing around the mailbox - just 32 days and we got our 797!!!!  Woohoo!!! 

We will get it sent off to DC tomorrow!!  Hopng for Great Wall to get it there in time to be DTC next Friday (they send out on Fridays)!! :)  Of course, depends on how things move along in DC. 


Will share more next time about our awesomly refreshing vacation visiting and reconnecting with some special friends we have been blessed with throughout our life. :)

For now....excited to reach another step in our journey! :)


  1. HOORAY! If I had seen you dancing around your mailbox I would have run down the street and danced along with you! :-)

    1. I'm still dancing. :) Would love to see you guys....not sure we can make it ALL the way to your house! lol ;}

  2. That is insane .... 32 days! I waited over 90! Yay, so happy for you. You will be DTC in no time!

    1. When I told Lora (the new dossier consultant) she said she wasn't going to share our story with other families. :) Until us, 45 days was the shortest time frame she had seen without expediting. :)
