Sunday, December 30, 2012

"So, How is the Adoption Going?"

So many people ask how things are going with the adoption.   My answer has been how slow it feels to me and how much  my heart aches to hold her and how we stare at her pictures we have throughout our home and on our phones...  How hard it is to watch her grow for 6 months without being with her....Now - I can say with excitement - Progressing!! YAY!!!

There is a bounce in my step now as we are getting close to the last steps... so close I can almost taste it!

I know adoption talk sounds like a foreign language with all the acronyms and if you follow our timeline (at tabs on top of page) - it isn't any more clear. :)  A quick synopsis of what has happened recently and what is yet to happen:
12/17 - we got approval to call Meisi our immediate relative instead of orphan :)
12/26 - Meisi's visa paperwork (Article 5) arrived at Consulate in China
1/9 - Great Wall should be able to pick up our Article 5 to take to China's Welfare Agency
1/23-1/30 - Hopefully receive our Travel Approval and then be able to buy plane tickets!!

Woohoo!!!  We are getting closer!!!  Exciting to think in 6-8 weeks we will be on a plane to China and FINALLY holding our precious Meisi!!!! 

So thankful for so many of you who have sent notes, cards, gifts and prayers as we journey through this process. :)  We are so blessed to have such an amazing family in Christ. :) We LOVE you guys!! 

We are still hoping and praying to make it to China by her birthday (2/19).  Chinese New Year could prevent that (everything closes from Feb 8-15), but we know God is bigger and if He wills it, it will be! 

Please continue to pray with us as we wait and prepare to travel. Issues that are on my heart -
1) Meisi's health during the winter (it is VERY cold in Beijing right now).
2) Preparing our hearts for Meisi - and our kids hearts for one another
3) That she bonds with us and us with her instantly (with God all things are possible)
4) Preparing for travel; (living in Fl and needing cold weather clothes is a challenge) and preparing our home for Meisi (room, bed, clothes...)- yes I am still a procrastinator :)
5) Wisdom in dealing with those who aren't supportive of adoption and whose words pierce my soul.

Have to end this post with a reminder I got on a facebook group I am in for adoption.  A friend on there talked about the difficulties she faced in adoption.  She said to remember that love is not a is an action.  A great reminder with our kids (bio or adopted), our husbands and families.  My mind immediately went to one of my all time favorite groups - DC Talk singing Luv is a verb - enjoy this video - hope it brings a smile to your face like mine - "Haven't you heard - LOVE is a serious word.....Love is a verb!" :)

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